Privacy Policy

  • Purposes of use

    Dematra NV processes your personal data for (i) acceptance of your order, (ii) execution of agreements with you, (iii) relationship management and (iv) management information, product and service development and determining (general) strategy.

    Personal data can also be used for the detection of (attempted) unlawful and/or criminal conduct directed against Dematra NV, its customers and employees, as well as for participation in warning systems used to prevent fraud. Dematra NV may involve group companies and cooperating partners in this processing of personal data.

    In addition, your personal data may be used to inform you, based on prior selection or otherwise, of interesting offers and other products or services of Dematra NV and/or group companies and cooperating partners.

    If you do not or no longer wish to receive commercial information, or do not want your data to be used for direct marketing purposes, you can make this known to Dematra NV. With respect to information obtained from Dematra NV, you can contact us via Customer Service.

    Dematra NV does not use your personal information for address trading.

  • Internet privacy and cookies

    With every visit to our site, your (temporary) IP address is automatically recognized and, if possible, the site or e- mail of origin. We store and use this data to analyze the navigation, pages visited and items ordered or not ordered by you from our site. We may use this analysis to inform you of offers, or product information that might be of interest to you, and to improve the prominence, functionality and content of our site and emails.

    For personalized offers, Dematra NV also uses third-party services, including search engines. You agree that the search data you leave with third parties that Dematra NV works with may be linked to your data already known to Dematra NV, which is used to personalize offers and product information for you.

    In order to optimize our services and site and to inform you about interesting offers or products, our site also places cookies on your computer. A cookie is a small text file that is sent to your computer when you visit a site. With the help of cookies we can also ensure that you do not repeatedly receive or have to enter the same information when visiting our site. The domain name of the site server that transmits the cookies is Dematra Most browsers can be set to refuse cookies or to notify you when you receive a cookie. Instructions on how to adjust the browser settings can be found under 'Help' in the toolbar of most browsers. However, although you as a visitor to the site can still visit the site, if cookies are rejected, certain services or elements of the site may not function optimally. Turning off cookies limits the use of our site and services.

  • Secure server

    We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure your personal data against loss, or against any form of unlawful processing.

  • Questions

    You may request access to your personal data from us. You may also request that we correct, supplement, delete or block your personal data if it is inaccurate, incomplete, irrelevant, or otherwise processed in violation of a legal requirement. You can also view and correct your personal data online on the site. To do so, go to Dematra NV and login to your account (top of website).

    If you wish to comment on our privacy policy or if you feel that our site or our actions are not in accordance with it, we also ask you to contact customer service.g of agreements with you, (iv) relationship management and (v) management information, product and service development and determining (general) strategy.

    Personal data can also be used for the detection of (attempted) unlawful and/or criminal conduct directed against Dematra NV, its customers and employees, as well as for participation in warning systems used to prevent fraud. Dematra NV may involve group companies and cooperating partners in this processing of personal data.

    In addition, your personal data may be used to inform you, based on prior selection or otherwise, of interesting offers and other products or services of Dematra NV and/or group companies and cooperating partners.

    If you do not or no longer wish to receive commercial information, or do not want your data to be used for direct marketing purposes, you can make this known to Dematra NV. With regard to information obtained from Dematra NV, you can contact us via Customer Service.Dematra NV does not use your personal data for address trading.